What exactly is Fotona 4D?

Fotona 4D is a set of simultaneous, non-invasive laser treatments for both the outside face and the inside oral cavity that allow for comprehensive collagen contraction for long-term tightening and volumization (Fotona Laser Facelift Results) without needing dermal fillers.

Fotona four Dimensions

  • Smooth laser lift: The first phase is a painless therapy that targets volume through a process known as collagen induction. The results include a general increase in skin tightness and suppleness and a plumbing effect similar to a filler.
  • FRAC Laser Treatment: The second phase utilizes a fractional laser to correct particular, deeper flaws in the skin, such as spots and vascular components. This is a quick and easy way to restore young texture.
  • PIANO Laser Treatment: The third step of Fotona4D includes safely and quickly heating the skin from the outside by focusing the energy supply subcutaneously. This is done using a brushing method and gives an excellent tightening effect for regions of skin laxity.
  • Fractional laser: The last step is similar to a skin polishing treatment. The procedure eliminates dead skin cells to expose the brighter, healthier tissue underneath, giving your skin a distinct ‘GLOW.’

Fotona Laser Facelift Results from the treatments?

Each individual is unique, but you should anticipate minimum to no pain throughout the treatment. You may notice some redness or swelling, which subsides within a few hours. Most individuals can resume their normal activities soon after therapy.

How does the process feel?

Everyone is different, but there is usually a gradual warming sensation, followed by some brief hot sensations in the treatment area that dissipate quickly.

Eyebrow Lift: Case No. 1109

Cheek thread lift Results: Case 1105

Lip Shaping with fillers case # 1095 

Russian lip augmentation Case # 1092

Thread Facelift Case: No. 1084

Is there any downtime required for the procedure?

The procedure is non-invasive and non-surgical, enabling patients to walk in and out. We have invested in modern, non-invasive equipment that enhances patient comfort as part of our dedication to you. Ask our staff or the doctor about the most recent advancement in skin rejuvenation, Fotona 4D®.

Fotona Laser Facelift Results are shown in the pictures below.

Fotona facelift results
before fotona laser after fotona laser
fotona laser facelift results

This case study is based on the personal experience of one patient and is not intended to represent typical results. Individual results may vary, and the treatment results depicted in this case study are not guaranteed. The information provided in this case study is not a substitute for a consultation with a licensed healthcare provider, and it is important to understand that results vary from person to person. Before undergoing any cosmetic treatment, it is important to speak with a licensed healthcare provider to understand the potential risks, benefits, and results.