Brow Lift Results: Case #1101

A brow lift, also known as forehead lift or forehead rejuvenation, is a cosmetic treatment used to elevate the eyebrows. A brow lift enhances the look of the forehead, brow, and region around the eyes. This is achieved by tightening the soft tissue and skin of the forehead and brow.

You may benefit from a brow lift if you notice that low, drooping brow or brow asymmetry. Additionally, a brow lift may increase your confidence. An eyebrow lift can be performed with other cosmetic operations such as eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) or a facelift.

Why do our brows droop?

Your skin becomes less elastic and loses volume as you age, while your muscles lose tone and mass. The top part of your face falls due to gravity and other factors.

The top part of your face will slide down due to this. Another consequence of facial aging is that your face has less structural support. Your skin does not ‘spring back as it did in your twenties or thirties as you age. When the tissues in your face begin to droop, you may notice: Eyebrows are drooping and losing their natural arch, the outer brow is drooping and producing a sorrowful look, and the cheeks are sinking downwards.

How many dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections help me raise my brow without surgery?

A non-surgical brow lift utilizing dermal fillers will restore your skin’s volume. This may be used with anti-wrinkle injections for a non-surgical brow lift.

How are Dermal fillers used to provide a non-surgical brow lift?

When our highly educated and experienced cosmetic physicians and nurses inject the dermal filler under your brow, the brow will rise. This can also help to soften the skeletal appearance that develops around your eyes as you age.

Dermal fillers may also be used to decrease the sagging of your eyelids. Dermal fillers are non-surgical cosmetic injections that volumize and repair parts of the face. Due to Therapeutic Goods Administration regulations, we can’t identify the brands we utilize.

Dermal fillers are composed of a transparent gel present naturally in your skin. Their viscosity, thickness, and lifespan differ. Finer dermal fillers are often injected in regions of the face where thin and smooth skin is important, such as the temples and eyes. In regions that require more volume and mass, such as your jawline or cheeks, thicker dermal fillers may be injected deeper.

Botox injections are used in a non-surgical brow lift.

Anti-wrinkle injections work by relaxing specific muscles around the eyes, which generally helps lift the brows. When our highly experienced cosmetic physicians and nurses carefully put anti-wrinkle injections into these muscles, the downward pressure on your brows is relieved, and the forehead muscles (frontalis muscle) may raise the brows without irritation. Consequently, the height of your brows rises a few centimetres, giving you a more open-eyed, fresh appearance.

How can Ulthera non-surgically raise my brow?

Ulthera is a non-surgical, no-downtime method of lifting your brows and opening your eyes. Ultrasound waves focused on a deep spot inside your skin using the Ultherapy device. Ultherapy causes skin proteins to coagulate and heat up, causing collagen to develop. Ulthera uses heat to target the deep layers of your skin, such as the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) layer and the deep dermis. The form of your collagen changes as you get older.

Consequently, your skin’s foundations become uneven and loose, causing drooping and wrinkle development. Your collagen strands compress to their original tight form when heated between 60 and 70 degrees Celsius. Neocollagenesis, a process that produces new collagen, occurs due to this. Your skin will tighten and lift as a consequence of this.

Ulthera can successfully tighten and lift in only one treatment: The angle of the jaw, chin, neck, and brow. While Ultherapy is successful, the outcomes will not be identical to a surgical facelift or brow lift. Ultherapy is a non-surgical option for individuals who wish to make minor facial modifications to slow aging.

How can Threads raise my brow?

Barbed PDO and Silhouette lift thread non-surgical, minimally invasive facelift procedure may also elevate the brows. Because of its subtle but noticeable effects and lack of downtime, it’s quickly gaining favour in celebrity circles.

Case 1101 brow lift with threads

A patient in her twenties presented to Albany Cosmetic and Laser Center inquiring about the non-surgical option for an eyebrow lift. After taking her medical history and discussing the option, we agreed on proceeding with the thread brow lift.

The procedure

Four threads were inserted from the heart line down to the eyebrow; the procedure was performed after applying topical lidocaine cream and a forced air chiller.

Results of Thread brow lift

These pictures were taken directly after the procedure, the patient is scheduled for a follow-up in two weeks, and we will update the picture then.

Eye borw lift Edmonton

Eye borw lift Edmonton

Side effects and cost

The patient is expected to notice bruising and swelling in the area for 1-2 weeks after the procedure; the cost of the procedure is $1200.

This case study is based on the personal experience of one patient and is not intended to represent typical results. Individual results may vary, and the treatment results depicted in this case study are not guaranteed. The information provided in this case study is not a substitute for a consultation with a licensed healthcare provider, and it is important to understand that results vary from person to person. Before undergoing any cosmetic treatment, it is important to speak with a licensed healthcare provider to understand the potential risks, benefits, and results.