Under-Eye Fillers Results

Undereye fillers is a procedure that uses Hyaluronic acid fillers to replace the loss of fat (fat atrophy) in the undereye area. The most important reason to get undereye fillers is to correct a hollowness under the eyes, also called “tear trough,” the loss of fat layers under the eyes is also associated with dark circles under-eye bags.
However, dark circles could be caused by other issues, such as skin hyperpigmentation, which undereye fillers cannot fix. We may recommend performing Fraxel laser combined with undereye fillers in those cases.
The first step is to get a consultation to understand the issue better and provide you with feedback if you are a candidate for filler injections. For most clients, we apply over-the-counter numbing cream before the procedure to make it more comfortable. Some clients choose to apply the cream at home or to go ahead without it.
When it comes to the injection, we perform the filler injection using a dull cannula. Using a cannula is a new technique allowing precise filler injection with less swelling and bruising. Most clients notice the difference instantly, but we recommend coming back for a follow-up after two weeks to take pictures and compare the before and after.

The Under-eye fillers Process: An Overview

  • The Markup: This is usually the first step but is performed after taking medical forms and signing consents; we usually mark the tear trough area and the entry point.
  • Do I need numbing cream? Yes and No, the procedure is not painful, but some clients feel more comfortable with freezing cream. You can get the cream from any Pharmacy and apply it 30 min before your appointment. We can also use the cream for you when you arrive.
  • What type of fillers: We use low cross-linked Hyaluronic acid fillers (HA) such as Juvederm Volbela and Restylane silk.
  • The filler injection: We use a TSK 27g blunt cannula to place the correct panel fillers with minimal bruising. The filler injection procedure is not painful, but some people describe it as uncomfortable. The whole process takes about 10 minutes. After the injections, we provide an ice pack to help with the swelling.

The before and after under-eye fillers results

This picture shows one of our clients after two weeks of receiving 1 cc of HA fillers. Dr. Alhallak provided the consultation, Ph.D. in Pharmacy, and R.N. Dima Omran performed the injection.

Facts about this Under eye filler Case
Procedure Cost: $700
Procedure Time: 15 Min
Downtime: 1-2 days
Results: Refreshed look
Adverse Effects: Bruising
Under eye, fillers Last 8-12 months

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This case study is based on the personal experience of one patient and is not intended to represent typical results. Individual results may vary, and the treatment results depicted in this case study are not guaranteed. The information provided in this case study is not a substitute for a consultation with a licensed healthcare provider, and it is important to understand that results vary from person to person. Before undergoing any cosmetic treatment, it is important to speak with a licensed healthcare provider to understand the potential risks, benefits, and results.