What is the mechanism of action of Sculptra?

Sculptra is a dermal filler injected into the skin to smooth out face creases. It contains PLLA, a collagen activator that aids in the progressive restoration of fullness to face creases and folds. While you may see rapid benefits, it may take many months to see the full effect of Sculptra treatment.

Dr. Alhallak will work with you to determine the number of treatment sessions that are optimum for you. In general, this treatment can be repeated every four to six months.

Sculptra treatment

At your initial meeting, Dr. Alhallak will collect your medical history, including any medical diseases or allergies.

On the day of your initial Sculptra treatment, we will map and cleanse the injection sites on your skin. Moreover, we will apply a lidocaine gel and leave it on for 15 minutes to alleviate discomfort. You should be able to resume your normal activities shortly after therapy. Dr. Kamal will communicate any special instructions to you.

Treatment regions

We use this filler for general face rejuvenation. Moreover, we inject it as a treatment for smile lines, other wrinkles around the nose and, mouth, and chin.

Off-label uses, including the following:

Cellulite reduction without surgery, buttock lift or buttock augmentation decreases wrinkles on the chest, elbows, and knees.

Case study 1032

This case shows a lovely lady in her 70s after receiving three vials of Sculptra. Dr. Alhallak used a mixture of water for injection and lidocaine to reconstitute the Sculptra. Then used a 25G blunt cannula to place the filler intradermally. This is a safe ad effective treatment if the patient is looking for natural and gradual improvement.

Sculptra Fillers Case: No. 1201

Sculptra Butt Lift: Case No. 1057

Brazilian Butt lift with Sculptra: Case No. 1085

Sculptra BBL: Case No. 1376

Sculptra skin rejuvenation results
before sculptra rejuvenation After rejuvenation

This case study is based on the personal experience of one patient and is not intended to represent typical results. Individual results may vary, and the treatment results depicted in this case study are not guaranteed. The information provided in this case study is not a substitute for a consultation with a licensed healthcare provider, and it is important to understand that results vary from person to person. Before undergoing any cosmetic treatment, it is important to speak with a licensed healthcare provider to understand the potential risks, benefits, and results.