Deep Atrophic Scars Case # 1030
Microneedling is an effective and minimally invasive skin rejuvenation technique for deep acne scars. Advanced microneedling devices like Fractora are equipped with insulated needles and radiofrequency. These devices are significantly more effective than traditional microneedling for acne scars, burn scars, and skin rejuvenation.
Safety and Efficacy of RF microneedling
The insulated needles heat away from the epidermis to minimize the risk of pigmentation, especially with four skin types. These needles are great for scar correction but less effective for skin resurfacing. Microneedling is not recommended for clients on immune suppressants or treated for autoimmune disease.
Acne scars case 1030
After taking the full medical history of this late 20s male, we agreed on performing the Fractora microneedling for him. The face was clean, and a layer of Emla cream was applied for 1 hour with occultation using plastic wrap. Three passes were applied using different levels of RF starting from low to high, 15-30-45. Faced was cleaned and covered with petroleum jelly as a physical barrier
Acne Scar Correction Results

Yes, microneedling is quite beneficial for acne scars. The procedure stimulates the formation of new collagen in your skin, allowing it to heal more quickly and effectively, minimizing the appearance of the ice pick, boxcar, and rolling acne scars.
Let’s go detailed about how microneedling may be used to decrease acne scars.
How Microneedling Can Assist with Acne Scars
Microneedling instruments are made up of tiny needles (about 0.5mm–1mm in diameter) that penetrate the skin softly and cause small lesions. Although these wounds are practically unnoticeable, your skin detects the need to mend and creates more collagen. This increase in collagen production contributes to smoothing scars, fine lines, and wrinkles.
Team of Albany Cosmetic and Laser center
Dr. Kamal Alhallak Ph.D., Dr. Salem Tomi M.D. and R.N. Dima Omran
Non-surgical nose job case # 1033