
Life is beautiful, and looking into the mirror reassures us that we are beautiful beings. This remains so until we begin to age. The lines or wrinkles on our cheek, mouth, and neck or the sagging of our jawline and cheek make looking into the mirrorless pleasant. If you had an aesthetic solution to improve this situation in less than six months, would you go for it? Your answer will be more of a yes than a no. Let me share this solution with you.

The HIFU system (Ulthera) applies this aesthetic solution for lifting and neck tightening laxity. The device utilizes micro-focused ultrasound with MFU-V – high-resolution ultrasound visualization, which gives a safe tightening and lifting of the lax skin on the neck and face. The application of the MFU-V is done at two focal points to achieve the best results.

What are the benefits of getting this procedure in Edmonton?

This procedure is exceptional because you get no cuts, but enjoy the following:

  • Tighter and lifted under the chin.
  • Removal of lines and wrinkles on the cheek, neck, and mouth.
  • Removal of sags from the cheek and jawline.
  • Smoother skin texture.
  • More even skin tone.

What areas of the body does this procedure provide aesthetic improvement for?

Since the focus of this treatment is to lift and tighten the face and neck areas, the application of the MFU-V is directed at the following:

  • Submental area.
  • Submandibular area.
  • Lower neck area.
  • Platysmal (lower face) area.

How effective is the procedure in Edmonton?

If you want to get that perfect look without the sags and laxity on your face or neck, choose this procedure. It is very effective, and as days turn to weeks and weeks to months, you will experience improvements.

Are there any criteria that qualify you for the procedure?

Like most aesthetic procedures, extreme care is taken, so patients meet the criteria for the procedure to avoid exposing them to unnecessary dangers. Thus, you may not be able to get this MFU-V neck and face lifting and tightening procedure if you:

  • Suffer from an illness, concomitant medication that could affect wound healing.
  • Excessive subcutaneous fat, solar elastosis, or skin laxity on the lower neck.
  • Have severe wounds, dermal scarring, cystic acne, ptosis, marked facial asymmetry, excessive dermatochalasis, or thick sebaceous skin at the treatment area.
  • Previous microdermabrasion, retinoid, or glycolic acid treatments at the targeted treatment area for the past two weeks.
  • Ablative resurfacing laser treatment; nonablative, laser, or light treatment during the previous six months.
  • Facial skin tightening procedure, facial peels, dermabrasion, facelift, brow lift, blepharoplasty, contour threads, or injectable filler on the lower part of the face in the past year.
  • I have suffered from systemic retinoids within the past six months or topical retinoids within the past two weeks.
  • Neurotoxins at the lower part of the face or the facial area in the last six months
  • Implants or metal stents in the targeted area.
  • History of autoimmune disease, alcohol abuse, severe drug or, or smoking in the past five years.
  • In the clinician’s opinion, any other therapy or condition may place you at risk.
  • Are you lactating, pregnant, or planning to get pregnant.

If you are planning on getting pregnant, we will ask you to undergo a negative urine pregnancy test and use a safe method of birth control during your treatment period – which is another safety precaution.

Meanwhile, you will be required to have skin laxity and neck and a score of 2  to  5 on the L’Oreal Photographic ptosis on the lower face,  neck, neck folds, score of 3  to  5 for neck sagging.

How does the procedure work?

Interestingly, we customize the treatment for each client. This is because though there are similarities in the age-related changes in our skin, the clinical presentation of these changes differs for each person and this is vital to the success of the procedure. Thus, prior to the treatment, you will undergo different analysis to determine your best plan. In addition,  we consider your age, gender, and subcutaneous soft tissue in deciding the best plan for you.

More so, since it is a computer-based device, the clinician uses the computer-driven platform to visualize the intended treatment and the ultrasound imaging transducers so they can develop a treatment plan (that is suitable and will produce the best results) before applying the micro-focused ultrasound energy.

The HIFU system (or MFU-V device) uses a combination of ultrasound visualization (MFU-V) to bring about skin lifting and tightening. MFU-V causes a sub-dermal collagen denaturation, resulting in collagen synthesis and, thus, skin remodeling.

Furthermore,  we administer the micro-focused ultrasound in a chain of lines at separate tissue depths and aponeurotic systems. When we apply the ultrasound energy, the resistance in the skin tissues converts it to heat and raises the temperature (to 65%), which causes the denaturation and contraction of the collagen to occurrences. This stimulates neocollagenesis, while other intervening tissues and the skin’s superficial layers remain unaffected. So your skin doesn’t get affected, but the collagen underneath tightens up to give your face and neck a lift.

What are the side effects and pain associated with this procedure?

This procedure is safe and non-invasive. It is FDA-cleared as safe, non-invasive, and effective for lifting tissues of the neck, eyebrow, and submentum.

There is, however, a little pain associated with it; this is dependent on individuals, though. Pre-treatment medications will be administered. Painkillers such as:

  • Hydrocodone/acetaminophen.
  • Ketorolac.
  • Lorazepam.
  • Alprazolam.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Acetaminophen.
  • Clonazepam.
  • Naproxen.
  • Tramadol.

Get your youthful with this safe and effective treatment and look back in less than six months, without a cut.

Where to get this procedure in Edmonton?

Albany Cosmetic and Laser center in Edmonton offers non-invasive skin and neck tightening and body shaping. Our consultation is always free.




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