
Nose fillers to correct low nasal bridge without surgery

At Albany Cosmetic and Laser Center, we specialize in providing superior cosmetic procedures to help enhance our patients’ appearances and boost their confidence. One of the most popular treatments we offer is nose fillers

Non-surgical nose job Case No. 1307

Recently, a female patient in her mid-twenties sought our help to address her low nasal bridge concern. After consulting with one of our experienced medical experts, it was determined that 1 ml of Juvederm Ultra would be used to achieve the desired outcome.

We employ only the most advanced techniques when administering dermal filler treatments, so it was decided that a blunt cannula would be utilized to perform this particular case. Before proceeding with the procedure, we explained all the risks and benefits associated with dermal fillers. We also took before and after photos for comparison purposes.

The actual treatment itself went off without any hiccups or mishaps; our patient remained calm throughout the entire session, which ensured a successful result. To achieve optimal results from Juvederm Ultra injections, we use a special microdroplet technique which enables us to place the product precisely into very specific areas of the nose bridge.

At Albany Cosmetic and Laser Center, we take pride in offering top-notch services that make all our patients look and feel their best. We understand that undergoing any medical procedure can be intimidating at times, so having an experienced team makes an impactful difference in comfort level and overall satisfaction. We always aim to ensure that each person leaves completely satisfied with their new look!

Nose fillers results

After properly massaging and moulding the filler material, our patient was pleased with her new look – she left our office looking fabulous! Take a moment to review case no. 1023, case no. 1024 and post no. 1025

Before and after nose fillers
before nose fillers Edmonton after nose fillers Edmonton

This case study is based on the personal experience of one patient and is not intended to represent typical results. Individual results may vary, and the treatment results depicted in this case study are not guaranteed. The information provided in this case study is not a substitute for a consultation with a licensed healthcare provider, and it is important to understand that results vary from person to person. Before undergoing any cosmetic treatment, it is important to speak with a licensed healthcare provider to understand the potential risks, benefits, and results.