Results of Belkyra Injection

BELKYRA (in the United States, Kybele) is an injectable medication used to remove fat in the submental region, generally known as the region behind the chin. Deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body, is used to dissolve the membranes of fat cells in this non-surgical therapy, resulting in a nicely sculpted profile below the chin.

What does it mean to have a double chin?

The chin area (also known as the “submental region”) is prone to fullness or the accumulation and retention of fat resistant to diet and exercise. Submental fullness, also known as fullness, fat under the chin, or a “double chin,” is a symptom of aging of the skin, muscle, bone, and fat underneath the chin, and it may distract from an otherwise balanced and harmonious look. Fullness beneath the chin affects both men and women and is caused by various causes, including age, heredity, and weight increase. It’s a frequent misconception that fullness beneath the chin primarily affects overweight people, but it may affect everyone.

Factors you can't control

Once I’ve verified that you’re a good candidate, I’ll snap a series of images to document your progress. I use a temporary tattoo to create a grid of dots under your chin. This tells me how much Belkyra I should use. Before injecting the Belkyra, I numb the region with a local anesthetic, one injection per dot. The average person receives 20-30 small shots. That’s all there is to it; you’re finished. To get your desired outcome, you will require two to six treatments, each spaced six weeks apart. The image depicts the Before and After outcomes achieved when treatments were conducted at Albany Cosmetic and Laser Center, but no guarantee is made.

What is the procedure?

Practitioners at Albany Cosmetic and Laser center in Edmonton use Radiesse to correct wrinkles and folds on the face and hands. Radiesse is made with calcium-based microspheres to stimulate the body’s collagen for long-lasting results. Radiesse can be used in the same places as Juvederm: the cheeks, laugh lines around the mouth. Moreover, Radiesse can also be injected in the chin wrinkles, the pre-jowl fold, and the backs of the hands.

Radiesse has numerous advantages, making it an effective treatment for reversing the signs of facial aging. Its natural components eliminate the need for allergy testing because there is virtually little danger of an adverse reaction. Moreover, Radiesse contains lidocaine to reduce discomfort during the injection procedure. However, the stimulation of spontaneous collagen formation may be the most exciting advantage of Radiesse Radiesse contains calcium-based microspheres and gel that deliver immediate and long-lasting filling. 

Who is a good candidate for Belkyra


Belkyra is approved to treat double chins cases that are mild to severe. Belkyra is not recommended for persons who have a lot of sagging skin or many double chins. Belkyra can’t cure things like fat deep in your neck or a huge neck or jaw muscle, so your double chin might be caused by something else. Before I decide, I’ll need to view and feel your neck. If you’re pregnant, nursing, or have an infection in the region, I won’t treat you.

Facts about this Case

This case study is based on the personal experience of one patient and is not intended to represent typical results. Individual results may vary, and the treatment results depicted in this case study are not guaranteed. The information provided in this case study is not a substitute for a consultation with a licensed healthcare provider, and it is important to understand that results vary from person to person. Before undergoing any cosmetic treatment, it is important to speak with a licensed healthcare provider to understand the potential risks, benefits, and results.