
Microdermabrasion FAQ


Microdermabrasion and SilkPeel: Your Comprehensive GuideNavigating the world of skincare treatments can be overwhelming. Let’s simplify things by focusing on two popular procedures: microdermabrasion and SilkPeel.Understanding MicrodermabrasionBasics of Microdermabrasion: This treatment exfoliates the epidermis or the top layer of skin, revealing softer and brighter skin underneath. Unlike DIY methods involving cold water and rough cloths, […]


laser hair loss treatment

Alopecia ReviewAlopecia affects about 1 оut of еvеrу 100 people and іt dоеѕ not discriminate ѕіnсе іt аffесtѕ bоth men and women and even children. It is a vеrу embarrassing соndіtіоn tо have ѕо thоѕе affected try tо kеер іt a secret frоm their frіеndѕ аnd fаmіlу. Alоресіа ѕhоwѕ up quickly аnd wіthоut wаrnіng nоt […]


Ulthera Treatment

MICRO-FOCUSED ULTRASOUND FOR LIFTING AND NECK TIGHTENING IN EDMONTONIntroductionLife is beautiful, and looking into the mirror reassures us that we are beautiful beings. This remains so until we begin to age. The lines or wrinkles on our cheek, mouth, and neck or the sagging of our jawline and cheek make looking into the mirrorless pleasant. […]

Plasma and radiofrequency Needling for wrinkle removal

Vampire facelift Edmonton

Collagen induction therapyIf you want to look younger by removing wrinkles naturally, you can try the Vampire Facelift “Platelet Rich Plasma” procedure. The wrinkle removal procedure, otherwise called ‘vampire facial,’ was used and made famous by reality stars.What is vampire facial, and how does it work?The procedure (Vampire Facelift) is an advanced anti-aging and wrinkle […]

Fillers and Thread Combined

facelift Edmonton

Noninvasive Midface Augmentation Using Fillers and PDO ThreadsNoninvasive midface augmentation and reshaping encompass using PDO threads, dermal filler, and Juvederm Voluma (a type of filler) to reshape and contour the midface. The aim is to achieve a natural aesthetic look quickly, safely, and effectively in an outpatient setting.Who is a Good Candidate for Midface Augmentation […]

Face Slimming: Post 21

Ulthera Treatment

Face slimming using Cosmetic Neurotoxin Injections, fillers, threadlift and UltheraAs the years pass, we start noticing that our face shape is getting into an inverted V. The base of our face gets wider and less defined, especially around the neck and jawlines. This will give extra years to the face and might affect the person’s […]