Non-surgical nose enhancement

nose job results in edmonton 3

Non-surgical nose Job in EdmontonDo you want to improve the appearance of your nose without going through surgery? If so, you may be interested in a non-surgical nose job. This is a procedure that can be done with fillers or threads, and it is a great option for people who are not ready for surgery or […]

Thread Lip Flip

Thread lip flip

Thread Lip Flips: A Safe and Effective Way to Improve the Appearance of Your LipsIf you are looking for a safe and effective way to improve the appearance of your lips, lip flips with PDO threads may be right for you. The threads are inserted into the lips and help to lift and flip them, […]

Thread Lift: Post 1.9

Jowl Thread lift

A Jowl thread lift in EdmontonIt’s no secret that obtaining a facelift requires a significant financial investment. Facelifts require weeks of recovery, are one of the most costly cosmetic operations, and result in a permanent facial alteration. This serious surgery is not recommended for everyone. However, many less invasive alternatives are available to people seeking […]

Laugh line correction: Post 34

laugh lines correction results Radiesse

Laugh lines correctionWhat are laugh lines, and what causes them to form?Laugh lines are wrinkles and lines that form around the eyes and mouth when we smile. Various factors, including sun damage, smoking, and aging, cause the skin to lose collagen and elasticity as we age, making it more susceptible to wrinkles. Repeated muscle movements, […]

Cosmetic Injection prices


Cosmetic Injections in EdmontonA Guide on Cosmetic injection pricingCosmetic injections are applied to the skin to restore volume, smooth lines and soften wrinkles or improve facial features. This popular facial rejuvenation therapy, which can be a cost-effective solution to look younger without surgery or downtime, is chosen by over 1 million men and women each […]

Facial Wrinkles

Do I need Dermal Fillers

Skin Wrinkles And Deep Static LinesAs we age, our skin loses collagen and elasticity, which leads to wrinkles and deep static lines. While there’s no way to prevent these signs of aging completely, there are steps we can take to minimize their appearance. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips on how to reduce […]

Cosmetic Neurotoxin Injections Eyebrow Lift: Post 1.3


Cosmetic Injections For Eyebrow LiftBotox eyebrow lift has come to stay! Presently, many patients want to rejuvenate their eyes; who wouldn’t? Read more about this procedure. So if you are searching for a non-invasive way to enhance your look, this procedure is for you. But why not surgery? You’ll be surprised at how powerful a […]

Juvederm for Jawlines in Edmonton: Post 31


Juvederm for Jawlines in EdmontonWhat if you could keep your youth without going under the knife? Juvederm might be the best solution for you.In the past, most people relied on cosmetic surgery to reverse the effect of aging, but it is often costly and painful. Nowadays, advances in cosmetic surgery offer non-invasive aesthetic procedures using […]

Cheek Augmentation: Post 37

cheek augmentation

Injectable Fіllеrѕ for Cheek AugmentationChееk аugmеntаtіоn is a cosmetic рrосеdurе whісh іѕ dоnе tо hіghlіght thе сhееkbоnеѕ іn аn іndіvіduаl’ѕ fасе bу mаkіng thеm mоrе pronounced. Hіgh cheekbones аrе соnѕіdеrеd to be аn attractive аnd desirable trаіt іn tоdау’ѕ dау and аgе, аnd many men аnd wоmеn lооk tо cheek іmрlаntѕ to achieve thіѕ lооk.Aѕ […]